HTML 5 multimedia

Mon 07 June 2010 by Jim Purbrick

I’ve been morbidly fascinated by the Rich Internet Application technology blood bath for a while now: Whirled,Metaplace and others tried to stuff virtual worlds in to web pages using Flash, Second Life stuffed Flash in to virtual worlds via Webkit, Unity stuffed Mono in to a 3D engine and then took on the world and Silverlight and Moonlight stuffed the CLR in to web browsers and Erik Meijer stuffed a CIL interpreter straight in to Javascript.

All good fun and there are fortunes to be won and lost to be sure, but the smart money seemed to be on waiting for the dust to settle and then using the winning technology. Recently, however, amazing technologies like V8, Node.js and the resulting browser Javascript arms race have been adding weight to the Google viewpoint that all you need is Javascript: a philosophy made more pragmatic by Apple’s decree that all you get is Javascript.

A week or so ago I decided to test the hypothesis by building a drum machine using only HTML 5 and Javascript. My first discovery was that while the canvas element is perfectly capable, it’s a very low level API, even for building something as rudimentary as a step sequencer interface. After looking at a number of drawing libraries I settled on processing.js as a higher level drawing API, something I’ve been meaning to play with since we used it to build SLorpedo at Hack Day a few years ago. Processing.js is a neat hack, that despite an incomplete API and some subtleties around casting does a great job of running processing sketches within a browser without a plugin. It also uses a sloppy parser enabling you to drop arbitrary Javascript in to your processing sketch, which makes it easy to just create Audio() objects within the sketch to playback audio. Unfortunately while it was easy to add audio playback, the playback itself was pretty disappointing: Firefox just spluttered and belched sadly while Safari did a decent job of playing beats for a couple of minutes before its timing went to hell and then the browser crashed. The shiny future may yet be HTML 5 and Javascript, especially when the experimental extensions to Firefox become widely supported, but we’re not there yet.
