Towards A Generic Media Type System

Sun 17 April 2016 by Jim Purbrick

The early days of RESTful hypermedia API design tends to involve lots of homogeneous collections. In the case of CREST vnd.ccp.eve.Api-v1 pointed to the logged in vnd.ccp.eve.ccp.Capsuleer-v1 which pointed to a vnd.eve.ccp.CharacterCollection-v1 of contacts which pointed to many vnd.ccp.eve.Capsuleer-v1 representations, one for each capsuleer contact.

Adding search makes things more complicated. A typical search resource will accept a query and return a collection of hyperlinks to heterogeneous resources. EVE allows capsuleers to have contacts that might be other capsuleers, agents, corporations or alliances. In the future capsuleers may also be able to have coallitions in their contacts list. In this hypothetical future a contacts management application developed now would end up receiving search results that it wouldn’t understand. After requesting a resource and receiving an unknown representation the client can ignore the resource, but it would be better to filter out unknown resources as part of the query.

Server side filtering is typically added to search via extra query parameters. In our CREST example we might add q=Jayne&type=capsuleer parameters if we just wanted to find the capsuleer Jayne Fillon. An unfortunate consequence of this design is that we end up with application level types used to filer searches as well as Media Types used for HTTP content negotiation.

It would be nice to just use content negotiation, but we want to filter the resources that are referenced by the returned resource, not the returned representation itself. The search request might return a vnd.ccp.eve.Collection-v1 representation, but we want to make sure that the hyperlinks in that collection only point to vnd.ccp.eve.Capsuleer-v1 resources.

As a client we’d like to specify is that we want search to return a vnd.ccp.eve.CollectionOfCapsuleerReferences. If the client wants to include corporations in the search results it should be able to specify a CollectionOfCapsuleerOrCorporationReferences. We’d like a richer media type system.

While this could be implemented in the backend just by switching on the Accept type, the combinatorial explosion of potential search results quickly makes this impractical. A simpler way to experiment with this approach would be to implement a proxy which can query the API for Collection-v1 representations and convert them in to arbitrary CollectionOfFooAndBarReference representations.

The proxy could also be used to inline reprsentations, allowing clients to request a CollectionOfFooAndBars rather than a collection of hyperlinks. If clients only wanted a subset of the full Foo and Bar representations thay might ask for CollectionOfJustNameFromFooAndJustNameFromBars. These additions would address some of the biggest headaches caused by API designers who have to decide which fields to denormalise in to collection resources to avoid clients having to make a huge number of requests in order to provide meaningful choices to users.

This approach potentially provides a lot of the benefits of GraphQL to RESTful clients just through normal HTTP content negotiation protocols and maintains the benefits of maintaining a small number of versions to API developers. If a composite type refers to a type which is deprecated in the underlying API, it can return as deprecated response as normal.

As with programming languages, it seems that if we’re going to support strong media types it’s useful to also support generic media types.
