The recording of my recent React Europe talk about Replicated Redux is now online and I’ve written several other posts describing designing, testing and generalising the library if you would like to know more about the details. If you’d like to play the web version of pairs or see the rest of the code, it’s available on github here.

People often describe multi-user networked VR experiences as laggy, but code to hide latency by optimisticly predicting the effects of local actions is hard to write, difficult to test and often application specific. It feels great to have helped make this problem a little easier to solve for React developers by building Replicated Redux.

Replaying Replicated Redux

Fri 10 November 2017 by Jim Purbrick

While property based tests proved to be a powerful tool for finding and fixing problems with ReactVR pairs, the limitations of the simplistic clientPredictionConstistenty mechanism remained.

It’s easy to think of applications where one order of a sequence of actions is valid, but another order is invalid. Imagine an …

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Testing Replicated Redux

Mon 31 July 2017 by Jim Purbrick

Opening a couple of browser windows and clicking around was more than sufficient for testing the initial version of ReactVR pairs. Implementing a simple middleware to log actions took advantage of the Redux approach of reifying events to allow a glance at the console to reveal precisely which sequence of …

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ReactVR Redux Revisited

Tue 04 July 2017 by Jim Purbrick

There were a couple of aspects of my previous experiments building networked ReactVR experiences with Redux that were unsatisfactory: there wasn’t a clean separation between the application logic and network code and, while the example exploited idempotency to reduce latency for some actions, actions which could generate conflicts used …

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VR Redux

Wed 04 January 2017 by Jim Purbrick

Mike and I have been talking about how to easily build simple networked social applications with ReactVR for a while, so I spent some time hacking over the Christmas break to see if I could build a ReactVR version of the pairs game in Oculus Rooms. Pairs is simple and …

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Sun 21 August 2016 by Jim Purbrick

At the 3rd Party Dev State of the Union at EVE Fanfest 2016 earlier this year, CCP FoxFour drew my attention to a limitation of the current approach used by crestmatic to generate CREST documentation: it only discovers resources always reachable from the API root from the perspective of the …

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Super Hyperpolyglot

Sat 05 May 2012 by Jim Purbrick

A few years ago nearly all the code I wrote was in C++, but increasingly I’m finding myself writing in a variety of mostly C-style languages and having to perform crunching mental gear changes as I switch between them.

In the interests of making these language switches less painful …

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The JavaScript Jungle

Mon 03 October 2011 by Jim Purbrick

There was a slide in the early talks that Cory Ondrejka used to give about Second Life about alien abductions in Second Life. One of the most exciting moments in Second Life for the early Lindens was when a resident constructed a UFO and flew around the world abducting other …

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21st Century JavaScript

Sat 12 March 2011 by Jim Purbrick

The slides and video of my talk at AsyncJS on Thursday are now online. The video is pretty murky, but the sound has come out fine and you can see enough of the slides to be able to follow along at home. The talk focuses on ways to bring useful …

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