Modern software development is sometimes colourfully described as being similar to firing tracer bullets at a target. Rather than spending time doing a lot of research, design and specification up front, the smallest, simplest version of the software is built and the feedback gathered from its use is used to improve the next version. Being able to continuously integrate, test and deploy software means that we can make this feedback loop incredibly tight but because the same engineers are developing the software and the tests we constantly have to think carefully about the testing investments we make and their opportunity costs.

Software engineers allow themselves to use knowledge of how the software works to pick good white box tests. They rely on code reviewers to catch important test cases that they’ve missed. They rely on unit tests to exercise pathological cases which are hard to exercise in end-to-end or integration tests. They use bugs discovered in previous releases to inform tests cases developed for the next. The goal is to ensure that the next version of the software provides feedback on how close it is to the target rather than just exploding on impact.

The decisions around which tests to write are hard because tests have costs. They take time to write and maintain and need to be changed and updated along with the software they test. What would happen if some or all of the tests could be free?

This question has tantalised computer scientists since Turing’s work on the halting problem in the 1930s and while academic progress has been made, tools based on that work have tended to either only work on small codebases; perform trivial analysis; generate a high percentage of false positives; produce difficult to understand reports or impose other overheads on the development process that make the resulting testing pretty far from free. As a result while we theoretically know how to do sophisticated analysis, in practice we tend to rely mostly on linters doing trivial checks alongside automated tests which check a handful of paths through the software written by engineers.

So it was wonderful when my mixture of hope, anticipation and scepticism gave way to delight when the Infer static analyser delivered on the promise of useful, non-trivial static analysis at Facebook. While Infer currently only reports on a small subset of the errors that it can detect, for those classes of errors Infer’s output is generally as useful as seeing a failing test case: Infer’s 80% fix rate on the non-trivial bugs it finds and reports on is extraordinary in an environment like Facebook’s.

Infer and tools like it won’t completely replace test cases written by engineers. To paraphrase Cristiano, without application specific information, no formula will be able to determine whether a piece of software is working as intended. As a companion to test suites though, static analysis will be transformative. It’s likely that sophisticated static analysers will soon be used by everyone from the smallest software engineering teams to the biggest tech companies. When high quality tests are free, why wouldn’t you run them?

Working with Infer in production at Facebook over the last year has been like living in the future. It has changed the way I think about testing and about the testing investments that should be made. I’m incredibly excited to see its public release as an open source tool that can be used by everyone and very grateful to have been able to help distribute this future more widely.

Investing In Testing

Wed 10 June 2015 by Jim Purbrick

Last year I was talking to an engineer at Droidcon London who was working on an Android app with 100% test coverage. I immediately asked whether he thought 100% test coverage was worthwhile: many software engineering teams strive to achieve 100% test coverage, but few succeed because it’s an …

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21st Century JavaScript

Sat 12 March 2011 by Jim Purbrick

The slides and video of my talk at AsyncJS on Thursday are now online. The video is pretty murky, but the sound has come out fine and you can see enough of the slides to be able to follow along at home. The talk focuses on ways to bring useful …

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The Why and How of Automated Testing with Python and Django

Thu 04 November 2010 by Jim Purbrick

Jamie has just uploaded the movie of my talk “The Why and How of Automated Testing with Python and Django” which I gave at BrightonPy a week ago (and this time it really is a movie, clocking in at a feature length 1 hr and 35 minutes). The audio on …

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m0cxx0r And Return Types

Wed 03 December 2008 by Jim Purbrick

The core of m0cxx0r is the creation of an object that records method calls and compares them to expectations. This is done by using C++ placement new to create a VTableDonor object in allocated memory the same size as the object being mocked and then returning the memory as a …

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m0cxx0r on Windows

Mon 27 October 2008 by Jim Purbrick

In order for m0cxx0r to be useful for writing tests at Linden Lab, it needs to work on all of the platforms that we target with C++ applications, so today I tried building and running m0cxx0r on Windows.

Initially it looked good: m0cxx0r built in the default Visual Studio Debug …

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m0cxx0r - Compiler Generated Mock Objects For C++

Sun 26 October 2008 by Jim Purbrick

A few weeks ago at JAOO I felt insanely jealous while watching Erik Doernenburg demo Mockito: I wanted dynamic mock objects in C++. It turns out that it’s really hard. However, after a few days hacking around I found that it’s not completely impossible. The results of my …

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